CALCULUS project overview

Causes And Consequences of Low Urban Accessibility.
Defining proper policy responses

An efficient and just transport system is a key element of sustainable development and an indispensable component of coherent modern societies. Improving accessibility and reducing its disparities are the means that bridge the reduction of negative transportation outcomes with a positive response to the increased mobility needs of contemporary societies. This places accessibility at the core of the main challenges of EU’s urban areas. A proper identification of causes of low accessibility combined with a profound knowledge of the outcomes of a particular pattern facilitate the formulation of the most efficient policy response that leads towards social inclusion, an increase of well-being, and a fully-fledged citizenship of contemporary societies.

The CALCULUS project aims to deepen understanding of the causes and consequences of unfavourable accessibility patterns in order to develop a decision-support model which facilitates to overcome existing barriers in urban accessibility. Its main idea is to take an advantage of temporal sensitive transport network data in order to identify main restrictions of accessibility level and to quantify and compare an impact of particular restrictions, including congestion, intermodal imbalance (i.e. difference between public transport and private car accessibility), a spatial pattern of route network of public transport, its frequency and temporal variability. In order to achieve this, the in-depth analysis of the impact of temporal resolution on precision of travel time and accessibility measurement in public transport analysis.

Additionally, the CALCULUS project focus on the potential of so-called GTFS feeds (General Transit Feed Specification data – a schedule-based public transport data) in order to strengthen analysis of the supply side of public transport network in a given area, and to facilitate inter-urban comparisons (link).

The CALCULUS project is founded under the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship (H2020 MSCA IF). The project is implemented under the supervision of prof. Javier Gutiérrez Puebla at the tGIS Research Group (Transport, Infrastructure and Territory) at the Department of Geography of University Complutense of Madrid.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement no. 749761.
The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.

Marcin Stępniak
Marie Curie postdoc researcher

I am transport and urban geographer interested in accessibility analysis, GTFS data and R scripts.