CALCULUS project main results

This section contains main project results. They are divided into three main parts:

  • Temporal resolution: The study aims to to provide guidance to researchers and practitioners on the selection of appropriate temporal resolutions in accessibility studies.

  • GTFS study: This research focus on an evaluation of a supply side of public transport using GTFS and other data available in open access.

  • Policy support tool: This section contains a brief summary of methodological guidelines for an evaluation of an impact of particular transport related restrictions of accessibility in urban area. The method extensively uses a new, time-sensitive network data (speed profiles and GTFS feeds) and it is based on comparison of accessibility levels and its spatial patterns in order to identify a particular, transport-related accessibility restrictions.

Marcin Stępniak
Marie Curie postdoc researcher

I am transport and urban geographer interested in accessibility analysis, GTFS data and R scripts.
