CALCULUS project repository

CALCULUS project repository facilitates to get all project deliverables. Note that part of the content will be succesfully made available at the time of publication of a given part of the results. Thus, this part of the web will be successively updated.

The repository is organized in 4 sub-sections:

  • Open data: links to the data produced during the project lifetime. The data are stored in the external, open data repository (e.g. RepOD).

  • Open code: links to code (r-scripts) prepared for project. All the code is stored at my github.

  • Interactive map: An interactive map which shows accessibility values in the city of Madrid.

  • Publications: links to published papers.

  • Slides and talks: links to slides for my presentations related to the project.

Marcin Stępniak
Marie Curie postdoc researcher

I am transport and urban geographer interested in accessibility analysis, GTFS data and R scripts.
