Open code

The section provides list of links to all #rstats code repositories developed during the project lifetime.

Note that repositories will be consecutively shared along with the publication of the results.

List of currently available code repositories:

  1. Sampling departure times: code to generate .dbf file with a sample of departure times applying selected sampling method and temporal resolution.

  2. Temporal resolution paper: code used in paper Stępniak, M., Pritchard, J.P., Geurs, K.T., Goliszek, S., 2019. The impact of temporal resolution on public transport accessibility measurement: Review and case study in Poland. Journal of Transport Geography 75, 8–24, (link).

  3. GTFS Full Frequency: replaces original frequency of public transport service by a generic one, which assumes ´full frequency´ (no waiting times at public transport stops)

  4. GTFS moveVis: code used to prepare visualization of public transport flows.

Sampling departure times

Link to the repo: Sampling departure times

The code provides a function DepartureTime() which generates departure times using one of four sampling methods (i.e. Systematic, Simple Random, Hybrid, Constrained Random Walk) for a selected day and time window, applying a user-defined temporal resolution.

The code was inspired by Owen & Murphy (2018) paper and was prepared for the study on impact of temporal resolution on on public transport accessibility measurement (Stępniak et al., 2019).

The output of the function is a .dbf file which contains generated departure times (to be used e.g. in ArcGIS Network to calculate origin-destination matrices with time-dependent transport data, e.g. GTFS). The structure of the output file:

ID Date
rowID (integer), starts with 0 Departure date & hour
0 05/14/2017 00:00
1 05/14/2017 00:09
2 05/14/2017 00:10

Details about the function syntax an example of its application can be found in repo description.

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Temporal resolution paper

Link to the repo: Temporal paper

The code repository contains all r code developed for the paper Stępniak, M., Pritchard, J.P., Geurs, K.T., Goliszek, S., 2019. The impact of temporal resolution on public transport accessibility measurement: Review and case study in Poland. Journal of Transport Geography 75, 8–24, (link).

Detailed description of all scripts, workflow and description of inputs and outputs of particular scripts can be found in repo´s README file. All the data used for the study can be downloaded from Open Data Repository RepOD. Direct link and reference of the dataset:
Stepniak, M., Goliszek, S., Pritchard, J., Geurs, K., 2019. The Impact of Temporal Resolution on Public Transport Accessibility Measurement. [Dataset] RepOD.

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GTFS Full Frequency

Link to the repo: GTFS Full Frequency

This repository contains a function which replaces original frequency of public transport service (as coded in original GTFS feed) by a generic one (user-defined maximum waiting times at public transport stops), keeping the original travel times between stops. It is prepared in order to investigate impact of public transport´s route network on accessibility level (regardless applied resources, i.e. real frequency).

This code is used for the study policy support tool

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GTFS moveVis

Link to the repo: GTFS moveVis

The code was prepared for the Researchers Night 2018 in Madrid and it was used to illustrate public transport flows in Madrid (metro, trams and suburban trains) during the morning peak hours. Data source: Consorcio de Transportes de Madrid).

The repo consists of two parts: first coverts data derived from a GTFS feed in order to meet the requirements of the moveVis package. The second part creates a video showing a movement of public transport vehicles using `moveVis´ package.

Note that since new version of moveVis package is available, with completely rewritten code and introduced a new logic and new functions, the code is likely depriciated. For the details consult the moveVis official webpage

The output is presented on the video attached below.

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Marcin Stępniak
Marie Curie postdoc researcher

I am transport and urban geographer interested in accessibility analysis, GTFS data and R scripts.
